MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee



Date:                          Tuesday 23 November 2010


Time:                          10.15am



Council Chamber

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     M Mohi

                                   T Gilbertson

E McGregor

L Remmerswaal

M Apatu

H Hiha

P Hohipa

F McRoberts

A Manuel

M Hammond

A Riki

J Aspinall

H Hilton

P Paku

L Graham


In Attendance:          A Newman – Chief Executive

                                   V Moule – Kaitohutohu

                                   F Wilson – Chairman HBRC

                                   Dr H Baalousha – Senior Groundwater Scientist

                                   D Gordon – Principal Groundwater Scientist

G Clode – Manager – Engineering

L Lambert – Group Manager – External Relations

G Ide – Team Leader – Policy

H Codlin – Group Manager – Strategic Development

M Drury – Committee Secretary


         Councillor McGregor opened the first meeting of the new triennial and gave an outline          of      the format for the meeting.

An apology was received from Mr M Black.




There were no conflicts of interest


Action Items


There were no action items


5       Appointment of Tangata Whenua Representatives to the Maori          committee

         In response to a concern expressed by Councillor Remmerswaal, Mr Moule explained the procedures for the establishment of the Maori Committee following the 3 year local body elections.  In response Councillor Remmerswaal inquired whether in future the Maori Committee could be considered on a similar basis to the Hearings Committee at the end of the 3 year term whereby approval is sought for current members on the Hearings Committee to retain their positions until the commencement of the new three year term.  This issue will be investigated before the need arises again.


         That the Maori Committee recommends to Council that:

1.      Pat Hohipa, Fred McRoberts, and Adrian Manuel representing the Wairoa area; Heitia Hiha, Arapera Riki, Jan Aspinall representing the Ahuriri area; Haami Hilton, Peter Paku and Marei Apatu, representing the Heretaunga area; Mike Mohi, Liz Graham and Morry Black representing the Tamatea area, be appointed as members of the Māori Committee of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council.

2.      Miriama Hammond (Wairoa) be nominated as short term replacement member of the Committee.

        (Note: Only Councillors McGregor, Remmerswaal and Gilbertson were able to vote on this item.)




Short Term Replacement on Committee



That Miriama Hammond  be appointed as a member of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday, 23 November 2010 as a short term replacement on the Committee for Morrie Black.




Election of Chairman of the Maori Committee



1.       That the Maori Committee elect Mr Mike Mohi as Chairman of the Maori Committee for a three year term.


2.      That the Maori Committee recommend to Council that Mr Mike Mohi’s appointment as Chairman of the Maori Committee be confirmed.





Membership of Council Committees by Tangata Whenua Nominated Members of the Maori Committee

Chairman Wilson addressed the Committee, noted the excellent work the previous Committee had undertaken and said it was important to maintain the good relationships established through this term of Council.

Councillor Remmerswaal acknowledged the outstanding work undertaken by Mr Heitia Hiha

during his time on the Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee and looked forward to his continued input to the Maori Committee.


Chairman Mohi then called for nominations for the positions on the Environmental Management Committee, the Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee and the Strategic Planning and Finance Committee.

The Committee indicated that they would also like to nominate Arapera Riki as a ‘back up’ for any of the four members on the Environmental Management or Asset Management and Biosecurity Committees should any of the four not be able to attend their respective meeting.  The Chief Executive and Chairman of Council agreed this was acceptable.



That the Maori Committee:

1.    Recommend to the Environmental Management Committee that Mr Morrie Black and Mr Peter Paku be appointed members of that Committee.





2.     Recommend to the Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee that Mr Adrian Manuel and Mr Marei Apatu be appointed  members of that Committee.





3.     Recommend to the Strategic Planning and Finance Committee that the Chairman of the Maori Committee and Mrs J Aspinall be appointed members of that Committee.






Verbal Report on Progress of Cultural Impact Assessment Report


Dr Benita Wakefield gave a verbal report on the progress of the Cultural Impact Assessment Report on the Ruataniwha basin and advised that the CIA had been extended because two further dam sites had been selected for further investigation.  Therefore, it would be advisable for a further report to be presented following the ongoing investigations of the new areas.

The Committee discussed the prefeasibility and feasibility stages of the investigation and expressed concern that not enough dialogue had taken place with hapu particularly from the upper areas of the rivers.  Responding to the Committee’s concerns, Dr Wakefield said a holistic approach had been taken which took into account water quality and water regimes. She also advised that a video clip was available to the public and said she would be happy to present it at the next Maori Committee meeting.

Mrs Graham advised that to date Mr Bruce Corbett and his staff had been inclusive of all stakeholders which hopefully would result in good decision making and not impact on their environment or cultural issues.



That the verbal report on Progress of the Cultural Assessment Report given by Ms Wakefield be received.





Update on Current Issues by Chief Executive


Mr Newman updated the Committee on progress with the feasibility study currently being undertaken in the Ruataniwha Basin and the Joint Planning Committee concept.  Mr Newman advised that discussions were currently ongoing in regard to the Joint Planning Committee however they were all at different stages and it was hoped there would be some clarity by March 2011.

Responding to a question from Mr Apatu, Mr Newman outlined the statutory process which Council would be involved in once a final decision had been made about the proposed water storage dams.  He also described the funding programme which was currently being used for the feasibility study. 



That the CEO’s verbal report   be received.





Ruataniwha Groundwater Allocation - Implications for the Consents Process


Mr Gordon and Dr Baalousha presented this item that included the results  from Council’s recently completed Ruataniwha Basin Transient Model which confirmed Council’s earlier conceptual understanding of the hydrogeology of the Ruataniwha basis and the actual effects of groundwater abstraction upon overlying surface water.

Mr Gordon confirmed that there was loss from the river systems as a result of groundwater pumping and outlined the future process for groundwater consents where there would be opportunities for share interest allocation in the system and  several options for increased efficiency.  The Water storage team would continue to work with irrigators around ways to improve water efficiencies.

Dr Baalousha also outlined the results from the Water Aging study which had recently been completed  in the Waipawa/Tukituki area and answered questions from the Committee.



1.    That the Committee receives the report titled ‘Ruataniwha Groundwater Allocation – Implications for the Consents Process’.






Gravel Resource Review


Mr Clode outlined progress with the review of Council’s riverbed gravel management and gave a powerpoint presentation which highlighted the need for Council to have an effective framework for the ongoing management of gravel resource within the region.

Mr Clode advised that a draft scoping report to identify issues associated with Council’s current management of the regions river bed gravel resource had been completed  in light of public concerns being expressed particularly in the Haumoana and Te Awanga areas where it was considered that ongoing river gravel extraction was leading to coastal erosion.

Responding to a question from Councillor McGregor, Mr Clode outlined the process involved in utilising gravel following a 10 year flood event.  Mr Clode also confirmed that contractors did work under a Code of Practice.



That the Maori Committee :

1.    Confirms their support for the River Bed Gravel Review project.





Ngaruroro River Flood Protection Scheme Ecological Management and Enhancement Plan


Mr Clode updated the Committee on progress to date with the river management review on the Ngaruroro River entitled Ngaruroro River Flood Protection and Damage Scheme: Ecological Management and Enhancement Plan (EMEP).  Mr Clode advised that one of the key differences of this river management review and resulting EMEP is that the extent of the review extends beyond the scheme boundary to the base of the ranges and what is happening further up the catchment impacts on the lower reaches.

The Committee agreed that it was important not to lose sight of the names and history of the area and these should be included in the report.

Responding to a question, Mr Clode updated the Committee on the native plantings following the sawfly damage on the rivers’ edge.



That the Maori Committee:

1.      Accepts the findings review and endorses the Ngaruroro Ecological and Enhancement Plan (EMEP) for use in future river management.





Submission on Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Bill


Mrs Lambert and Mr Ide presented this item and advised that the closing date for submissions for the Bill was last Friday and Council was unable to lodge a late submission  but had been granted approval to submit an addendum to the original submission if further comments were received from the Maori Committee.

Mrs Lambert outlined the main points set out in the submission which had been focussed on a Hawke’s Bay flavour.

The Committee discussed Council’s submission and sought clarification on how local authorities could give effect to planning documents as all activities in the coastal environment have to fit into the resource planning framework ; they also discussed the Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Inc submission on the Bill and the significance of the Bill and the need to consider the implications carefully..

The Committee also supported comments expressed in NKII submission in regard to the  fast pace the Bill would pass through Parliament and agreed that further time was required in order to have further discussions on the implications of the proposed Bill.



That the Maori Committee :

1.    Recommends to Council that Council notes the addendum to its submission from the Maori Committee supporting the submission of Ngati Kahungunu iwi Inc to the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Bill..






Draft Regional Stormwater Strategy


Ms Codlin updated the Committee on the contents of the Draft Regional Stormwater Strategy based upon meetings of the Regional Stormwater Working Group.  Ms Codlin also advised the Committee that the Water Symposium to be held in the last week of November would be an opportunity for all stakeholders and members present to give views which could be included in the draft.

The Committee discussed the Draft Strategy and agreed it was important that ongoing dialogue would continue.



1.      That the Committee receives the report Draft Regional Stormwater Strategy and provides comment to staff on the Draft Strategy.



Councillor McGregor exited the meeting at 12:37 pm.


Statutory Advocacy Update


Members were asked to contact relevant staff if they had any issues with any of the detail in this report.



1.      That the Maori Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update Report.





General Business



Councillor Remmerswaal  requested consideration be given for Council’s prayer to be translated into Maori.  She was advised to contact Heitia Hiha re a translation.

Trends Magazine

Councillor Remmerswaal requested that the Trends magazine be circulated to all Committee members.

Water Symposium

Committee members were reminded that the Water Symposium would take place at the War Memorial, next Tuesday 29 November and Wednesday, 30 November 2010.

Land Management Symposium

This would take place on 15/16 December and was a joint venture between Federated Farmers, Meat & Lamb and HBRC.  The main topic of discussion would be the future of on hill country farming.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Maori Committee will be in February 2011 – a date to be confirmed.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.45pm on Tuesday, 23 November 2010..


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................