MINUTES OF A meeting of the Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee
Date: Wednesday 11 August 2010
Time: 9.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
E McGregor
L Remmerswaal
K Rose (Chairman)
C Scott
E von Dadelszen
F Wilson
A J Dick
In Attendance: A Newman – Chief Executive
M Adye – Group Manager Asset Management
G Hansen – Group Manager Works Group
C Leckie – Manager, Biosecurity
G Clode – Manager, Engineering
D Broadley – Manager, Communications
S Chandler – Minute Taker
It was noted that Councillor Tim Gilbertson was running 15 minutes late.
Councillor Scott will need to leave at 1.00 pm today.
Councillor Wilson put in his apology for the next Regional Council meeting on Wednesday 25 August 2010.
Councillor Dick advised the presentation on Council’s web portal would now take place at the next Regional Council meeting.
Apology received from Councillor Neil Kirton.
Wilson/von Dadelszen
A variation in standing orders to allow special discussion in General Business on Haumoana/ Te Awanga coastal erosion.
von Dadelszen/Dick
Councillor Scott noted that as Chairman of the Hearings Committee she would excuse herself from any discussion relating to Haumoana/Te Awanga coastal erosion as a general business item.
3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE ASSET Management and Biosecurity Committee held on 11 May 2010
4. Matters Arising from Minutes OF THE ASSET Management and Biosecurity Committee held on Tuesday 11 May 2010
Review of RLS, Land Management issues. This item to be added to action item list and carried over to the November meeting.
Actions from Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee meetings 11 mAY 2010 - rURAL bRANDING Mr Hansen presented to the Committee a power point presentation showing examples of River Access Branding and Regional boundary signage. It was noted that existing sign blades would be rebranded and put back into existing fittings. A question was raised on the sign at Pakowhai Country Park. Mr Hansen advised that this is Hastings District Council land and that there had been no discussion to date. Councillor Dick said that being such a high profile and important site he would speak with Mayor Yule. The signage at Tutira was also discussed. Mr Broadley noted that discussions were taking place with DOC on a joint sign and advised the need to also work with Transit in relation to roadside signage. 28 July 2010 - RURAL PATHWAYS MAINTENANCE Mr Hansen distributed a paper to members of the Committee which provided three key issues, an update on a survey carried out by path users in April 2010 as part of the National cycleway bid, and options for maintaining the surface of the pathways. From questions raised by the Committee Mr Hansen advised: · On slopes where rain had caused problems, with “rilling” being the result, methods of surface stabilisation were being looked at. · At this stage there is no simple solution to allowing mobility scooters access. Pathway gates are designed to keep out motorbikes and these do not allow for mobility scooter access. · The frequency of sweeping the pathways where cattle are present will be monitored but cost estimates allow fortnightly sweeping for the remainder of this current financial year. · The availability of water for cleaning bikes etc. is an outstanding issue. Mr Hansen also noted that more damage was caused by limestone than by cow pats. · Councillor Von Dadelszen highlighted paragraph 6 of Mr Hansen’s report and that the stopbanks scheme and flood protection assets must not be compromised or any unnecessary financial burden be put on ratepayers, by the cycle pathways. The Committee requested that this recommendation be put to Council for debate at their next meeting with a slight change in the wording of 1.1. |
1. That Council support Option 4 initiative for an enhanced level of pathway maintenance for the remainder of the 2010/2011 financial year subject to the following criteria: 1.1. Surfaces where cattle have access to the pathway are swept on up to a fortnightly basis. 1.2. Costs are managed within the range of $15,000 to $25,000 as part of the existing Project 263: Public Access to Rivers budget. 1.3. That River Lessees are encouraged to place the quietest stock in the areas where access to the cycleway exists, with specific emphasis on managing cows with calves away from the cycleway areas wherever possible. 1.4. That a user survey is carried out between March and June 2011 to determine satisfaction levels for a rural pathway. Scott/von Dadelszen CARRIED 9/1 |
8. |
Future of Pest Management Project |
Campbell Leckie outlined this paper to the Committee which included an attachment - The Local Government NZ submission to MAF on the Pest Management Proposed National Plan of Action 2010 – 2035. He explained that Regional Councils and other stakeholders have had considerable input into this plan. One major outcome already achieved has been the crown agreeing to be bound to Regional Pest Management Strategies, once national policy guidelines are implemented. These are due for completion in March 2011. Campbell Leckie advised that he saw MAF as having a “gatekeeper” role with regional councils retaining autonomy. It was hoped that the Crown and DOC would take more responsibility around pests along their estate boundaries. Campbell advised that he would report back on progress early next year.
That the Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee recommends Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Receives the report. Scott/Dick CARRIED |
Plantation Drain Enhancement Update |
Gary Clode showed the Committee slides of the concept design for the Plantation Drain enhancement and advised he would be presenting this to Napier City Council at a workshop on 19 August. He advised that all feedback from the community had been positive and Councillors agreed that this was a very worthwhile project. The new plantings would include native trees and flaxes, fruit trees, timber walkways and bridges etc. The quality of stream water would be improved and over time fish were expected to increase. It was noted that with new and extensive planting, rubbish would become less of an issue. This has been the case in Christchurch with a similar enhancement programme. Responding to a question Mr Clode advised that Napier City Council was contributing $40,000 per year to the project along with building the major pathway and bridges. At present there is a targeted rate for Napier and Meeanne Drainage Scheme and the project is largely funded from this. Once established it was suggested that contact be made with Heritage Trails as a good way of promoting this area. It was hoped that ongoing community involvement would see the project succeed.
That the Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee recommends Council : 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Receives the report. Von Dadelszen/Scott CARRIED |
Update on Tutira Carbon Sequestration Project |
Mike Adye presented this paper to the Committee. With the following key points: · Replanting of approx 4ha where trees planted in 2009 hadn’t taken, was taking place in August 2010. As per the original contract. This is on top of approximately 40ha of additional planting programmed for 2010. · Grazing started in January 2010. · Repair work is required on some farm tracks due to heavy rains. This will be completed when the weather has settled. In response to a question Mr Newman advised that silviculture options would be assessed on a year by year basis. He commented that growth in this past year had been exceptional and that Eucalyptus did not need pruning. In response to Councillor Scott, Mr Adye advised that a paper will be presented to this Committee in November outlining other values planned at the property. Mr Adye confirmed that Redwoods would be the species planted in 2010. It was also suggested that a visit to the property take place later in the year possibly November. |
That the Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee recommends Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Receives the report. Wilson/McGregor CARRIED |
Flood Control and Drainage Asset Audit Report 2008/2010 |
Gary Clode presented the River Maintenance Audit and summarised the findings. With the exception of the Upper Tukituki River, where some work is still required, all other major Hawke’s Bay rivers are in good shape and had made a significant recovery from sawfly damage. He highlighted infestations of Old Mans Beard and Fennel require continual work and another plant pest Tree Lupin was taking hold in many areas, starting in the headwaters. The Hawke’s Bay region provides the greatest cumulative area of braided river habitat in the North Island. The Ngaruroro River possibly provides the largest single area of braided riverbed habitat in the region. In total 83 bird species have been recorded on the Ngaruroro River. 18 are native to New Zealand, and a further 18 are endemic to New Zealand. Of these 36 (native and endemic) 14 are threatened with extinction, and a further 8 are declining or biologically scarce. Along with Japanese Willows, Poplars and Alders had all performed well in areas where significant sawfly damage was done. Adequate flood protection levels were being maintained. Mr Clode showed the Committee slides of a gravel island that had formed in the lower Tukituki river which was having an effect on flows and erosion of river bank edges. The use of groynes and planting more willows will help with reducing the effects of this. |
That the Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee recommends Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Receives the report. Von Dadelszen/Wilson CARRIED |
General Business |
The Environment Awards Committee had made the decision to postpone this year’s event due to the small number of entrants. All entrants had been notified and a press release would be going out. 2. WOW Councillors had received an email from Keith Newman a representative of the Walking on Water group. Mr Adye advised the Committee that Hastings District Council and Regional Council staff were working together in assisting this group by meeting the cost of independent advice and the chances of success for resource consent for a hard engineering solution. The cost for this work estimated between $20 and $30k was being split 50/50 between Hastings District Council and Regional Council. The final report is due later in September. Mr Adye will report the findings when received. In response to the email sent by Mr Newman Mr Adye advised that Council staff were working through it and would be responding around 20 August. He would provide Councillors with a draft prior to sending. It was noted that to find an independent coastal expert who hasn’t already had some input in to this issue will become more challenging. Councillor McGregor commented that he visited with the WOW Group at their request and sympathised with their problems and frustrations. 3. Minister of Treaty Settlements (Hon Chris findlayson) visiting on Friday Councillor Dick advised the Committee that the Minister would be here on Friday and Councillors were invited to attend. Apologies were received from Councillor Scott and Councillor Rose. 4. Elm Trees removal at karamu It was noted that no one had received any comments from the community on the removal of the Elm trees at Karamu stream. Replanting will commence next year. 5. dairy liaison group Chairman Rose noted that Councillors had not been invited to the last Diary Liaison Group meeting which took place while he was away. However staff will be advised to extend an invite prior to the next meeting. 6. CHB Waipawa office opening Andrew Newman advised the Committee that the new Waipawa office was now operational with two staff accommodated. It is planned to have an official opening later in September to which Councillors will be invited. |
Prior to closing the meeting Chairman Rose acknowledged the effort and support given to him by staff, especially Mike Adye.
He also thanked Andrew Newman for his continued support and Sally Chandler for her support to both Mike Adye and himself.
Being the last meeting prior to the election he thought it fitting to make the following comments:
· That the Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee does important work and should be retained; however the Committee structure should be reviewed by the incoming Council.
· Unfortunate there hasn’t been more media coverage but believe the community know how important the work is we do.
· Would personally like to also thank Campbell Leckie and his Biosecurity team especially Owen Harris. Norm Olsen on drainage matters and Gary Clode.
· The work commitments make this an almost full time job and believe the Chairman’s remuneration should reflect this level of work and should be reviewed by the next Council.
Councillor von Dadelszen, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Chairman Rose.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.30pm on Wednesday 11 August 2010.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................