MINUTES OF A meeting of the MĀori Committee


Date:                                    Wednesday 11 August 2021

Time:                                    10.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                                 Dr R Maaka (Tamatea) Chair

                                                  M Paku (Heretaunga) – Co-chair (via zoom)

M Apatu (Heretaunga)

Cr R Barker

B Blake (Wairoa) – via zoom

R Hiha (Te Whanganui-a-Orotū)

H Hilton (Heretaunga)

K Kawana (Wairoa) – via zoom

Cr H Ormsby

A Robin (Te Whanganui-a-Orotū)

P Sciascia (Tamatea)


In Attendance:                 J Palmer –Chief Executive

P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships

K Brunton – Group Manager Policy & Regulation

C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management

A Roets – Governance Advisor

T Munro – Māori Engagement Coordinator

M Taiaroa – Senior Advisor Māori Partnerships

TK Hawaikirangi – Napier Port

L Hooper – Governance Team Leader


1.         Welcome/Karakia /Apologies/Notices

Te Pou Whakarae, Pieri Munro welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those on zoom.

Haami Hilton opened the meeting with a karakia.

As neither Co-chair is available to Chair the meeting, the Committee agreed to appoint Dr Roger Maaka as interim Chair .

Pieri Munro relinquished the Chair to Dr Roger Maaka seat at 10.05am.


MC25/21             That the apologies for absence from Councillor Charles Lambert, Michelle McIlroy, Peter Eden and Zack Makoare be accepted.



2.         Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Alternate Members for 11 August 2021 Meeting


There were no Alternate members appointed.


4.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee held on 9 June 2021



Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Wednesday, 9 June 2021, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed on a true and correct record.





Take Ripoata Ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates


The Chair, Dr Roger Maaka introduced the item and request each Taiwhenua to report on their Taiwhenua reports.  Discussions covered:

Te Taiwhenua Tamatea – Dr Roger Maaka

·    Confirming the cohort of social programming is continuing to be developed

·    Successful Matariki event being held

·    Activities have been progressing well

·    Central Hawke’s Bay District Council (CHBDC) District Plan submissions closed on Friday, 6 August – various marae, hapu and other Māori groups put detailed submissions in to the CHBDC District Plan

·    Covid-19 vaccinations are being administered at the Waipawa Rugby Club and planning is underway for Central Hawke’s Bay (such as Pōrangahau and Takapau).

Te Taiwhenua Heretaunga - Marei Apatu

·    Concerns raised about access to waterways and HBRC’s Global consent for Gravel extraction. Disappointment expressed that the whole of the Tukituki awa was not included on the list of Outstanding Water Bodies list and advise they too will be appealing the decisions to the Environment Court.

·    Chris Dolley advised that Council is be working on solutions to public river access issues and a report will be provided to the next Māori Committee meeting.

The item was adjourned at 10.30am



Tangaroa Tohu Mana Tangaroa Tohu Mauri – Marine Cultural Health Programme


The Chair, Dr Roger Maaka welcomed Te Kaha Hawaikirangi, who delivered a presentation on the Marine Cultural Health programme, a partnership between Ahuriri mana whenua hapū and Napier Port to monitor the health of the marine environment in and around the Ahuriri/Napier area.  Discussions traversed:

·    The cultural monitoring framework, spear-headed by the Mana Whenua Steering Komiti, was developed to monitor, record and assess the cultural health and state of the marine environment using traditional Māori knowledge.

·    The framework is made up of two pou - Mana Moana and Mana Tangata. Each pou has a number of Tohu Matua and associated Tohu Whaiti, which are weighted based on their significance. Each score of each Patai Inenga informs the Tohu Whaiti health and in turn the Tohu Matua and ultimately each pou.

·    The Health Spectrum provides a simple traffic light range of colours which is used to display the current state of health (or indication of mauri) for each the pou – Tohu Matua, Tohu Whaiti and Patai Inenga

·    The first report on the health of the marine environment from the Programme was prepared for the public launch event in June and will be maintained and updated as a living document so that it can be confidently used to support future public engagement

·    The report is available on the Tangaroa Tohu Mana Tangaroa Tohu Mauri – Marine Cultural Health Programme website

·    The Regional Council can support the programme through engagement and partnership with the Steering Komiti, by considering how we can foster growing the kaupapa to encompass more of Hawke’s Bay, by integrating the framework into the Kotahi plan alongside western science, and by using the findings to affect change.

·    The Committee thanked Te Kaha Hawaikirangi for his presentation and the valuable work they are undertaking.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Tangaroa Tohu Mana Tangaroa Tohu Mauri – Marine Cultural Health Programme” verbal report and presentation.





Take Ripoata ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates


The Committee recommenced considering reports from Taiwhenua representatives.

Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui a Orotū – Api Robin

·    Noted the good discussions held and support for the establishment of two Māori constituencies

·    Good progress made on Marae restoration projects

·    Queried what support can be obtained from HBRC for Māori Tourism

·    Acknowledged Cr Rex Graham for his work on promoting engagement and partnership between Council and Taiwhenua

Joint report by Kahungunu Executive & Wairoa Taiwhenua – Katarina Kawana

·    Expressed disappointment that the Wairoa awa was not included on the list of Outstanding Water Bodies and advise they will appeal the decisions to the Environment Court

·    eDNA sampling was undertaken in the Marumaru rapids in the Wairoa river

·    Permits now required to dive in Mahia and Opoutama which are now classified as “no take” areas. More information about this is available on the Ministry of Primary Industries website

·    Te Pou Whakarae thanked Taiwhenua for their reports and encourage to continue to provide those reports for this committee.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Take Ripoata ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua reports”.





Follow-ups from previous Māori Committee Meetings


The item was taken as read.

·    Charges have been laid with the District Court for the Ahuriri Chemical Spill.  Working alongside Napier City Council and will be a Joint prosecution with HBRC.  More information will be released upon the judge’s decision.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Follow-up Items from Previous Meetings” staff report.





Call for Minor Items not on the Agenda



That the Māori Committee accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 16:



Raised by

LGNZ Te Maruata hui

Cr Hinewai Ormsby

Remuneration of outside committee attendances

Api Robin

Resourcing for mana whenua

Michael Paku





Constituency Options for HBRC For Representation Review


Te Pou Whakarae, Pieri Munro introduced the item, which was taken as read.

·    Leeanne Hooper seeking a Committee recommendation whether one or two Māori constituencies is preferred

·    After discussions and deliberations, there was a general consensus that two Māori constituencies is preferred

·    The names for the new constituencies be referred to kaumatua for guidance and advice

·    In relation to the boundary between the Northern and Southern Māori constituencies, Māori Committee Taiwhenua representatives expressed their desire for that to be formed by the naturally occurring geographical boundary of an awa, in this case the Ngaruroro Awa.

·    Due to the Regional Planning Committee not meeting until 1 September, this item will be discussed with the tāngata whenua members of the RPC at a zoom hui tonight.



The Māori Committee recommends that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council considers the following when deciding on the proposed Representation Arrangements for the 2022 and 2025 local elections.

1.          The preference of Taiwhenua representatives on the Māori Committee is for Council to establish two Māori constituencies for the election of one representative of each by voters enrolled on the Māori roll.

2.          the preference of Taiwhenua representatives on the Māori Committee is that the names of the Māori constituencies be determined in consultation with kaumatua.

3.          Supports the Council including the Māori names for Napier, Hastings and Central Hawke’s Bay in the General constituency names.



The Committee adjourned at 12.20pm and reconvened at 12.50pm.


Water Security Programme update


Tom Skerman introduced the item and provided an update on the Regional Water Security programme.  Discussions highlighted:

·     Site validation, landowner arrangements, consenting processes, technical trials and analysis, and mana whenua engagement well under way for Central Hawke’s Bay Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot project

·     There have been active investigations into potential water storage solutions for Heretaunga

·     Viable options have been identified and a separate process of consultation will be necessary before progressing beyond feasibility investigations

·     Important to note that no final decisions have been made in terms of water storage solutions.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Water Security Programme Update” staff report.





HBRC Chair and Chief Executive's verbal updates on current issues


Rick Barker, Chair, highlighted concerns about the slow progress on Council’s Climate Change work programmes and HBRC’s agreement to take the lead on implementing the Coastal Hazards Strategy, referring to the recently released IPCC report on Climate Change.  Further discussions traversed:

·    Also concerned about the ambitious work plan set through the adopted 2021-31 Long Term Plan

·    Need to make significant changes, but change starts with ourselves

·    Council should address coastal issues and be responsible for adaptation to Climate Change – need to act fast.

The Chief Executive, James Palmer gave an update covering:

·    Flood Scheme upgrades in Heretaunga and Tukituki

·    the expanded Erosion Control Scheme

·    the On Demand Public Transport trial

·    Nationwide focus on Water Reform, implementation of freshwater and three waters reforms, Resource Management Act changes, Zero Carbon Act, and the Future of Local Government

·    Kotahi plan development under way, TANK Plan Change decisions to come, Outstanding Water Bodies decisions being appealed to the Environment Court

·    Ahuriri Regional Park planning, QEII native bush fencing, funding and planning for Wairoa Regional Park

·    Review of Council’s Biosecurity programmes underway.



That the Māori Committee receives the “HBRC Chair and Chief Executive’s Verbal Updates on Current Issues”.





Outstanding Water Bodies Plan Change:  Overview of Decisions


Belinda Harper and Nicola Nicholson presented an overview of the decisions made by the Independent Hearing Commissioners on Proposed Plan Change 7 (OWB PC7). Discussions traversed:

·    The Hearing Panel reached decisions at the end of June 2021, identifying 15 Outstanding Water Bodies in Hawke’s Bay

·    The period for lodging appeals with the Environment Court against those decisions closed on Friday 6 August

·    Six appeals received which will now proceed through the Environment Court processes, which include mediation and court hearings

·    Staff will report back to the Regional Planning Committee meeting on 1 September on the number and content of the appeals

·    Queried why there was not wider Māori engagement on this plan change

·    Plan change consultation involved input from public, iwi authorities, key stakeholders and territorial local authorities on the list of 42 candidate OWB identified by the Regional Planning Committee

·    A local expert panel was engaged to identify any outstanding characteristics of the water bodies identified through this process

·    It was suggested that the Māori Committee would like more visibility of items considered by the Regional Planning Committee.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Outstanding Water Bodies Plan Change:  Overview of Decisions” staff report.


Abstained: Apatu




July 2021 Statutory Advocacy update


The item was taken as read, noting that this report is also provided to the Regional Planning Committee.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “July 2021 Statutory Advocacy” report.





Significant Organisational Activities looking forward through August 2021


The item was taken as read, with discussions highlighting:

·    Nineteen active prosecutions before courts for outdoor burning and other pollution events as a result of Council taking strong action against breaches of regional rules.

·    Industrial discharge which occurred in Ahuriri estuary in 2020 is the subject of prosecution and the committee will be advised of the outcome in due course.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the Significant Organisational Activities Looking Forward through August 2021 staff report.





Reports from Regional Council and Committee Meetings


The item was taken as read.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Reports from Regional Council and Committee Meetings”.





Discussion of Minor Items not on the Agenda




Raised by

·    Attended the LGNZ Te Maruata conference in Marlborough in July, where they celebrated that 23 Council’s nationwide will have Māori elected representatives next year

·    The role of Te Maruata is to promote increased representation of Māori as elected members, enhance Māori participation in local government processes, provide support for councils in building strong relationships with iwi, hapu and Māori groups, provide support for councils in building strong relationships with iwi, hapu and Māori groups and foster and support a network of Māori elected members and staff for the purpose of sharing information, challenges and aspirations relevant to kaupapa Māori.

·    Encourage Māori Committee members to join Te Maruata and attend next year’s meeting

·    Contact Cr Hinewai Ormsby for further details.

Cr Hinewai Ormsby

Remuneration for ‘other’ meeting attendances

·    Members sometimes attend several meetings amongst themselves in addition to the Committee meetings and query how those might be remunerated

·    Te Pou Whakarae and Chief Executive will discuss a potential framework.

Api Robin

Resourcing for mana whenua

·    Limited budget and resources to address the significant work programme across councils and Taiwhenua

·    queried how to work smarter with limited resources to achieve better outcome for the region and the wider community dealing with environmental issues

·    Need to work collaboratively and take leadership, sharing resources and knowledge

·    Not looking for answers today, but need to have conversations in future about taiwhenua resources.

Mike Paku




Haami Hilton closed the meeting with a karakia.


There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.38pm on Wednesday, 11 August 2021.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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