MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee


Date:                          Wednesday 9 June 2021

Time:                          10.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       M McIlroy (Wairoa) – Co-chair

M Paku (Heretaunga) – Co-chair

Cr R Barker

R Hiha (Te Whanganui-a-Orotū)

H Hilton (Heretaunga)

K Kawana (Wairoa)

Cr C Lambert

A Robin (Te Whanganui-a-Orotū)

P Sciascia (Tamatea)

P Eden (Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui-a-Orotu)


In Attendance:          J Palmer –Chief Executive

K Brunton – Group Manager Policy & Regulation

C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management

I Maxwell – Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management

P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships

R Ashcroft-Cullen – Communications Advisor

S Bendall – Traverse Environmental

D Cull – Strategy and Governance Manager

M Groves – Regional Asset Manager

L Hooper – Team Leader Governance

Dr B Lynch – Team Leader Land Science

Dr M Robson-Williams – Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research

T Munro – Māori Engagement Coordinator

M Taiaroa – Senior Advisor Māori Partnerships

A Roets – Governance Advisor




1.      Welcome/Karakia /Apologies/Notices

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Haami Hilton opened with a karakia.


MC25/21       That the apologies for absence from Councillors Rex Graham and Hinewai Ormsby, Bill Blake, Marei Apatu, Zack Makoare and Dr Roger Maaka be accepted.



2.      Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Alternate Members for 9 June 2021 Meeting


There were no Alternate Members appointed.


4.      Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee meeting held on 7 April 2021



Minutes of the Maori Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 7 April 2021, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Take Ripoata Ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates


Wairoa Taiwhenua – Katarina Kawana

·    Recognise the Council for establishing the Māori Constituencies for the 2022 elections

·    Hinemihi Nursery (Wairoa Awa Restoration Group) is pairing up with more Marae based river plantings, including Pakowhai Marae one of the prioritised urupa at risk due to bank erosion.  Also training venue for a 20 strong fencing team funded to complete 53kms of fencing and 165 hectares of planting

·    Ahuriri Fish Hook Summit will be held in Napier in 2022

·    Concerns raised around resource consent applications for surface water takes in relation to Cultural impact assessments

·    Announcements being made from Wairoa District Council for planting along the Wairoa River

·    Matangirau Reserves Board met for the first time yesterday, 8 June, Liz Palmer has been appointed Chair

·    Covid-19 vaccinations to be rolled out soon

·    Working collaboratively with Enviroschools in Wairoa.

Taiwhenua o te Whanganui a Orotu – Api Robin

·    Two public meetings held in March and April with the Department of Conservation (DoC) on white bait stands on Clive River

·    Proposals from those hui were tabled (following)

·    Budget 2021 supports the long-term wellbeing of New Zealanders by making significant progress towards Government priorities, investing $4.7 billion in Health, which includes more funding for PHARMAC, plus the establishment of a Māori Health Authority

·    Working collaboratively with HDC Planning team on implementing distribution of budgets for water services / social services / housing etc to meet whanau needs

·    Upper Mohaka planting and pest control programmes progressing well

·    Regards the domestic water supply current allocation of 20m3 per day/per property, the TANK Plan Change is currently being considered by commissioners and advice around water allocation for papakainga will be provided at the next Committee meeting.

·    Covid-19 vaccinations to be rolled out to marae soon.

Taiwhenua o Heretaunga – Michael Paku

·    Hapu/marae are requesting a key for access to waterways for customary practices, e.g. mahinga kai.

Taiwhenua o Tamatea – Paora Sciascia

·    Concerns raised about fishing trawlers in Porangahau Bay - need tighter control measures put in place for Porangahau and working with DoC.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Take Ripoata ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua reports”.





HBRC Chief Executive's Verbal Updates on current issues


James Palmer highlighted:

·    Currently finalising the 2021-31 Long Term Plan (LTP) for adoption on 30 June, with councillors having affirmed most of the proposals consulted on

·    Twenty percent increase in operational expenditure in Year 1 of the LTP to deliver a very comprehensive work programme across council

·    Freshwater Reform to give effect to Te Mana o te Wai will involve intensive community engagement across catchments from Wairoa to Porangahau over the next 3 years

·    Current focus is on the climate change challenge with a major lift in capital expenditure to improve resilience of Council’s flood schemes and to undertake further work in the coastal environment

·    Raynor Asher QC, through review, determined that this Council should take charge of coastal hazard issues, which will involve an expansion of work already done between Clifton and Tangoio

·    Water Security programme continues to progress

·    Agreement from Council to proceed with more flexible, smaller public transport services through the “on-demand” trial proposed for Hastings

·    Received significant funding through the Jobs4Nature with $4.2m received for fencing in the region, and another $1m confirmed from the Crown alongside $10m for Taiwhenua to undertake restoration work in Ahuriri

·    Te Pou Whakarae sent an invitation to a Department of Internal Affairs Three Waters hui on 17 June and Committee members were asked to RSBP by close of business on Friday 11 June.



That the Māori Committee receives the “HBRC Chair and Chief Executive’s Verbal Updates on Current Issues”.





Follow-ups from previous Māori Committee Meetings


Discussions covered:

·    Māori Committee members will be invited to CDEM offices (GECC) to look at CDEM operations and functions in due course.

·    Due to the Planning team’s commitments during the TANK Plan Change hearings, an update on a future Wananga in relation to the Kotahi Plan Change will be provided for the next meeting .

·    An update on TANK water allocation provisions for papakainga housing will be provided at the next meeting.

·    Enquiry was made to NZ Geographic Board about changing the name of the Clive River and currently awaiting their advice.  A formal consultative process is required and an update and advice on what this entails will be provided for the next meeting.

·    Due to prosecution being pursued, Council is unable to report on the Ahuriri chemical spill and potential impacts on Te Whanganui a Orotu Ahuriri estuary to Taiwhenua. Once prosecution process complete, an update will be provided to the Committee.

·    Proposed that the Regional Economic Recovery Manager provides a report to the next Committee meeting on social procurement provisions (job creation opportunities) through the Jobs4Nature and Infrastructure reference group projects, including the Progressive Procurement Toolkit released by the five councils last week. A request was made, to circulate the procurement toolkit to members.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Follow-up Items from Previous Meetings” staff report.





Call for Minor Items not on the Agenda



That the Māori Committee accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 17:



Raised by

Māori Strategy for HBRC

Pieri Munro

Whitebait stands in Wairoa

Michelle McIlroy





Tangata Whenua Pre-Engagement for the HBRC Representation Review


Leeanne Hooper introduced the item which was taken as read.  Further discussions traversed:

·    Seeking the Committee’s support for the proposed pre-engagement plan with a hui a iwi in each of the four Taiwhenua areas and/or suggestions for alternative approach

·    Staff propose to base discussions at the hui around maps showing the potential boundary option for a North/South geographical split as determined by the population requirements

·    Advice and direction in relation to potential constituency names should be sought from kaumata and kuia

·    Suggested that allowance be made for further engagement at marae if requested

·    Ideal to have a single joint hui with HDC for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga.



That the Māori Committee:

1.      Receives and considers the “Tangata Whenua Pre-engagement for the HBRC Representation Review” staff report.

2.      Agrees that this decision specifically is not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, however feeds into a significant decision about Hawke’s Bay Regional Council representation arrangements for Māori constituencies to be determined in accordance with the Local Electoral Act provisions.

3.      Agrees to the Tangata Whenua Pre-engagement Plan as amended to incorporate a single hui jointly with Hastings District Council for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga.





LiDAR Tools Development


Dr Barry Lynch and Dr Melissa Robson-Williams gave a presentation on the Regional LiDAR project including background and an overview.  Discussions traversed:

·    The LiDAR Project was funded by all Hawke’s Bay Councils and the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF)

·    LiDAR is a light detection mapping tool

·    Collaborative partnership with Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research (MWLR) to help develop the tools for LiDAR

·    Seeking the feedback where LiDAR could be useful to develop an understanding of the environment, to be put forward for the first round of funding

·    The LiDAR mapping tools and models will assist with monitoring a diverse array of areas like farming, urban expansion, erosion control and effects of climate change

·    Anticipated that work in urban areas will begin in July and the wider region later in October.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “LiDAR Tools Development” staff report and presentation, and proposes views or ideas on the future development of tools.



The meeting adjourned at 12.22pm and reconvened at 12.51pm.


Update on the HBRC Gravel Extraction Consent


Chris Dolley introduced Martina Groves and Simon Bendall and provided an overview of the global resource consent applications and the purpose of gravel extractionn.  Discussions traversed:

·    Gravel extraction is purely to maintain Council’s flood protection scheme and its flood management objectives

·    Under the various Acts and Legislation, Council does not profit/revenue from this activity and collects rates solely for scheme maintenance

·    HBRC currently charges 0.80c per m3, which covers the cost of managing the resource (surveying and monitoring the various consents)

·    Gravel extraction activity is currently authorised by short-term (typically 12 months) consents and that does not deliver the desired results for extractors who seek longer term certainty or for HBRC in terms of changing its flood management objectives

·    Should a global resource consent be granted to the Council, the future operating regime would see commercial extractors granted “authorisation” to operate under the Asset Management Group’s resource consent conditions to remove gravel from built up areas where flood channel capacity has been compromised

·    The global consent will allow for more effective management of the gravel, including environmental and cultural aspects

·    There is a draft Kaitiaki Liaison agreement in place to help understand what is important to marae and hapu along the rivers, through which Council can fund some of the activity for environmental enhancement to restore the awa before extraction takes place

·    Concerns raised by Taiwhenua Heretaunga regarding extractors going deeper with the extraction and the impacts of that on the environment as well as potentially undermining the wahi tapu. TToH opinion that their only course of action is to address their concerns through a Hearing process.

·    Council staff to explore options to meet with taiwhenua about co-management of gravel extraction for flood protection schemes

·    Taiwhenua encouraged to phone Council if they notice any suspicious activities around rivers or on the river bed.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Update on the HBRC Gravel Extraction Consent” staff report.





Māori Engagement ahead of Public Consultation on implementation and execution of the Coastal Hazards Strategy


Chris Dolley introduced Rebecca Ashcroft-Cullen, Melanie Taiaroa and Simon Bendall (Project Manager). Presentations and discussions covered:

·    Overview of the Coastal Hazards project, mana whenua engagement approach and the next steps to be taken

·    The project is governed by a Joint Committee as formally established under the Local Government Act, consisting of representatives of Napier City, Hastings District and Hawke’s Bay Regional councils (councillors), Maungaharuru Tangitū Trust (Tania Hopmans), Heretaunga Settlement Trust (Peter Paku) and Mana Ahuriri (Currently vacant)

·    A coordinated approach to identify and respond to coastal hazards and the influences of the sea level rise and climate change over the next 100 years

·    Following Central Government guidance from MfE namely “Coastal Hazards and Climate Change” which was released in 2017 and sets a 10-step response framework

·    Adaptive pathways developed collaboratively with the community for the highest risk areas of the coastline between Clifton and Tangoio include renourishment to offset physical beach losses and groynes

·    Aim to ensure that mana whenua are informed and engaged August – November 2021 ahead of the formal consultation on an LTP amendment with the wider public mid-2022.

·    Specific engagement will cover the aim of the strategy, how it affects each PSGE, Taiwhenua, marae and hapu, and will seek feedback at those hui.



That the Māori Committee receives and considers the “Māori Engagement ahead of Public Consultation on Implementation and Execution of the Coastal Hazards Strategy” staff report.





Update on IRG Flood Control resilience funded projects


Chris Dolley updated the Committee on the four projects approved for funding as part of the Crown’s Flood Control Resilience Funding.  Discussions highlighted:

·    Project 1. $20m committed to increase flood protection across the Heretaunga Flood Control Scheme (HPFCS) to a 1 in 500-year event for the Tūtaekurï, Ngaruroro, Lower Tukituki and Clive rivers. Working through a risk framework on 39 sites being subjected to a prioritisation process based on modelling outputs.

·    Project 2. Survey data was used to estimate that approximately 3,100,000m3 of gravel is available for extraction within the Upper Tukituki scheme area and currently undertaking a modelling assessment to prioritise key areas to undertake extraction. Developing a collaborative framework agreement for a range of subsidised costs to transport gravel from the region, using the findings of an independent economic study. To be fully approved through the LTP 30 June.

·    Project 3 will provide engineered erosion protection works for Upper Tukituki Flood Control Scheme SH50/Waipawa Erosion. 75 precast concrete akmon units have been installed on the left bank of the Waipawa River and nearing completion of the installation of rail irons and wire rope to form permeable groynes on the river banks. An independent ecological assessment showed this work will be highly beneficial for biodiversity.

·    Project 4: Wairoa River, river parade erosion project will provide steel sheet piled erosion protection works on the left bank of the Wairoa river. Geotechnical investigations and design optioneering completed, and construction contract drafted. Working with Wairoa District Council to relocate the watermains and options to provide native planting upstream will be considered as part of the environmental outcomes.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Update on IRG Flood Control Resilience Funded Projects” staff report.





June 2021 Statutory Advocacy Update


The item was taken as read.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “June 2021 Statutory Advocacy” report.





Reports from Regional Council and Committee Meetings


The item was taken as read.

·    Api Robin gave an update on Waka Kotahi’s proposal to reduce the speed limit on SH5 and tabled the following document which he is seeking the Māori Committee’s support to present to the Regional Transport Committee.

·    Also seeking additional targeted driver education and driving lessons for rangitangi

·    HBRC is currently reviewing the RoadSafety Programme (Efficiency and Effectiveness review) as required under the Local Government Act and asks that the review looks at to what extent Māori communities are adequately being considered and what opportunities exist to deliver RoadSafety programmes by Māori for Māori.

·    The review will be presented to the Regional Transport Committee and ultimately presented at the next Māori Committee for visibility.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Reports from Regional Council and Committee Meetings”.





HBRC Organisational Performance Report - 1 January to 31 March 2021


The report was taken as read.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Organisational Performance Report – 1 January to 31 March 2021”.





Discussion of Minor Items not on the Agenda




Raised by

Māori Strategy for HBRC

·  Previously agreed to talk about the future of the Māori Committee and its scope with the advent of Māori Constituencies

·  Proposing an umbrella strategy that sits alongside the Council’s Long Term Plan and Strategic Plan, within which kaupapa Māori, taake Māori are captured, including Te Tiriti o Waitangi

·  Will bring a paper providing some direction to a future Committee meeting.

Pieri Munro

Whitebait Stands in Wairoa:

·  Refuse to pay $50 permit fees to fish whitebait - Whitebait is important to tangata whenua and whole of community

·  This decision will not be popular with communities

·  In terms of the whitebait activity that HBRC oversees, it is purely within HBRC’s managed schemes

·  Permit needed to erect whitebait stands

·  HBRC doesn’t actively do anything in Wairoa to manage the whitebait stands.

Michelle McIlroy




Haami Hilton closed the meeting with a karakia.




There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.26pm on Wednesday, 9 June 2021.

Signed as a true and correct record.




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