MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee


Date:                          Tuesday 6 August 2019

Time:                          8.30am


Pukemokimoki Marae

191 Riverbend Rd

Onekawa, Napier


Present:                       M Mohi - Chairman

M Apatu

Cr Barker

B Blake

P Eden

Cr R Graham

B Gregory

H Hilton

M McIlroy

M Paku

A Robin

P Sciascia

Cr F Wilson


K Kawana (Proxy - Wairoa)


In Attendance:          P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships

L Lambert – Group Manager Regulation

J Brown – Māori Engagement Coordinator

A Minster – Senior Advisor Māori Partnerships

A Tapine – Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust

T Wati, Chief Executive of Mahaanui Kurataiao

K Davis, Environmental Manager

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant




1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

The Chairman, Mike Mohi welcomed everyone at the meeting and specially welcomed Paora Sciascia back at the meeting and also asked everyone to spare a thought for Brian Gregory, who is ill, and lastly welcomed members of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.

The Chairman noted that manahuri from Ngai Tahu will be presenting on Mahaanui Kurataiao from 12pm.

The Chairman reminded the committee members that this is the final Māori Committee meeting of the triennium and it will be up to the new Council, post election, to consider a new Māori Committee.  It will be decided by new Councillors whether this Committee continues to operate.  The Chairman noted that, after 18 years as Tamatea Taiwhenua representative and 9 years as Chair of the Māori Committee, that he will be retiring.

Cr Rex Graham expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Council and the Committee and acknowledged Mike’s service over the last eighteen years and reiterate that Council will be supportive towards the Māori Committee for the next triennium. 

Several Committee members shared a thought on Mike Mohi and their relationships throughout his chairmanship and thanked Mike for his contributions, hard work and wished him well for his future.

Haami Hilton opened the meeting with a karakia.


MC28/19      That the apologies from James Palmer be accepted



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no Conflict of Interest Declarations.



Short Term Replacements for 12 February 2019 Meeting



The Māori Committee agrees that Katarina Kawana be appointed as member/s of the Māori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting on Tuesday 6 August 2019 as Wairoa Taiwhenua Representative.




4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee held on 4 June 2019


Mike Paku noted that he attended the 4 June 2019.  Attendance list on previous minutes be updated accordingly.

Item 11, page 7:  Taiwhenua representatives’ June 2019 update:  Kahungunu Executive Taiwhenua – Katarina Kawana’s name to be replaced with Michelle McIlroy.

Item 11, Page 8:  Taiwhenua representatives’ June 2019 update:  Wairoa Taiwhenua – Michelle McIlroy’s name to be replaced with Katarina Kawana’s.

Item 13, Page 9:  Minor items:  Kopuana Stream was raised by Bill Blake and not Brian Gregory as originally recorded.



Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 4 June 2019, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings


With regard to the 3 Waters workshop report – it has been noted that this workshop has been led by Toni Goodlass.  No further updates currently to report on.

Ferry Hotel solutions:  Cost options and recommendations provided by Chris Dolley and currently residing with James Palmer to respond to.  Further update will be given.

Pickering Funeral Services discharge:  a question was raised whether this application will form part of the Wairoa Wastewater Discharge consent application as there was no mention of it in the original application. Liz Lambert confirmed that HBRC did not receive a resource consent application from Pickering Funeral Services and that their wastewater discharge does go into the Wairoa District Council’s articulated discharged system.  They also don’t have any air discharge consent as no cremations are done by Pickering Funeral Services anymore.

Decommissioning of oil wells:  Pieri Munro has written an email to NZ Petroleum and Minerals asking the status of the oil wells which have not been be decommissioned yet.  There are twenty four exploratory wells (hydrocarbons) which were drilled throughout Aotearoa.  Official Information Act in progress and await further response herein.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report.





Call for Any Minor Items Not on the Agenda



That the Māori Committee accepts the following “Minor Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 12:



Raised by


Wairoa Discharge Consent Application: Will be dealt with as part as Item 8.

Michelle McIlroy



Verbal Update on Current Issues – HBRC Chair


Cr Rex Graham updated the Committee on current issues, highlighting:

Napier Port share offer:

·         Council voted to proceed with a 45% IPO of Napier Port and requested Napier Port to undertake an offer of shares. 

·         The offer of shared under the priority offer opened on 23 July and closed on 5 August.

·         The preferential allocation of shares has been phenomenal and showed strong support from Hawke’s Bay residents, institutions, tangata whenua, businesses and international investors.

·         Appointed two directors to the Napier Port Board, being Cr Rick Barker due to his extensive experience and strong union background and Blair O’Keefe due to his particular Port experience and competence.

Economic Development in Wairoa:

·         7% of farms in Wairoa went into production forestation in 2018. 

·         Many farms will follow to change into production forestation.  This will not enhance the economy in Wairoa in the short or long term.

·         A small governance group were formed consisting of the Mayor of Wairoa, the Chair of the Wairoa Taiwhenua representatives and Rex Graham which will assist to progress land change into horticulture in Wairoa.

·         It will be an obvious change for Wairoa with great climate, soils and people.

Kahutia – Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison project:

·         Cr Rick Barker is working closely with government and Ngati Kahungunu regarding planting programmes.

·         Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison previously had both a nursery and vegetable garden and supplied vegetables to prisons around the country.

·         They also sold their own organically grown vegetables on the open market, but due to a campaign run by local interest groups, the nursery and garden closed down, stripping prisoners from the opportunity to learn and adapt new skills.

·         Discussions has been held between Cr Barker and Minister Stuart Nash to re-establish the nursery.

·         A proposal has been put forward to ministers and their senior staff and a business case has since been developed. 

·         Minister Stuart Nash agreed to assist with this project and to re-establish in possibly four months.

·         $2,9million available from a Government fund to re-establish the nursery in the prison.

·         It has been proposed that Council management discuss a possible development of a business case to utilise prisoners to get involved in Council environmental work and projects (i.e planting, forestation, fencing etc) to assist prisoners to gain valuable life skills and integrate back into society.

·         It has been reported that Ngati Kahungunu has planted 20,000 seedlings in 2018 grown in the prison nursery scheme.

TANK Plan Change:

·         Negotiations still ongoing and in the final stages of the Plan Change.

·         All have a vision for a very dynamic environment for the Heretaunga Plains.

·         Currently have the highest GDP growth in the whole of New Zealand – driven by primary industries, creating wealth and jobs. 

·         It is hoped to do all this in harmony with the environment.

·         Expect to have the Plan Change approved soon.

Local Hawke’s Bay Elections 2019:

·         Nominations currently open and closes at noon on Friday, 16 August .

·         Voting opens on 20 September and closes at noon on 12 October.

·         Hinewai Ormsby are standing as candidate in the Napier constituency and encourage members to support her.

·         Important for young people to come forward and serve their community.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Verbal report on the Current Issues by the HBRC Chair” report.



Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates


The four Taiwhenua each provided an update on current issues of interest in their rohe.  Discussions traversed:

Tamatea Taiwhenua:  Brian Gregory

·         A meeting is scheduled on 20 August at Porangahau marae to address issues and concerns raised at the last meeting.

·         AGM Elections:  Roger Maaka reinstated as Chairperson.

·         Two nominations received for Deputy Chairs and has been accepted, but a motion tabled indicating that there cant have two deputy chairs appointed.  The Chairman will investigate and report further on the regulations/law as to what is acceptable.

·         Jenny Nelson-Smith has resigned from the Treasurer role, but will be at the meetings until such a new person has been appointed.

·         Local Central Hawke’s Bay District Council Elections:  Darcie Scowen (Ngapuhi) is running for Mayor against with Mayor Alex Walker.  Hirani Maaka (Ngati Kahungunu) is running for Councillor (Aramoana-Ruahine Ward).

·         Works at Tapairu Road on SH2 is now under way.  Bike track along the same road hopefully be completed before Dec 2019.

·         Whanau well-being summit will be held on 8 Aug 2019 at the Civic Theatre, Waipukurau from 9am – 3pm.

Heretaunga Taiwhenua:  Marei Apatu

Archaelogical site, Cape Kidnappers:

·         The whole area/site around Cape Kidnappers is of major cultural and historical significance.

·         The effect of climate change has begun to show significant erosion around the coastal areas.

·         Otago University will be doing an investigative assessment in Feb 2020 on the waahi tapu sites to understand the nature and extent of the erosion and investigate an appropriate remediation plan.

·         The owners, the Robertson’s, needs to be informed in regards to the protection of the sites and to ascertain what issues may arise, and whether they support the registration of waahi tapu sites with the Hastings District Council District Plan and or Hereritage NZ.

Science Wānanga:

·         The Science Wānanga was developed to see more Ngāti Porou rangatahi achieving in science and health sciences so that they would be in a position to make their own decisions and manage their local resources.

·         Since 2008, there have been around thirty seven programmes delivered throughout Aotearoa.

·         The program offers two-three day interactive science experiences for Māori students, based on marae and in in communities and are led by tertiary students, scientists, iwi and the local community.

·         Science is presented alongside mātauranga Māori, encouraging students to understand connections and actions through science that is relevant to their lives.

Te Whanganui-a-Orotū (Ahuriri) Taiwhenua:  Peter Eden

·         Various Annual General Meetings will be held with Ahuriri maraes over the next few months.

·         Te Whanganui Orutu in discussions with Napier City Council and Heritage NZ on protection of cultural sites.

·         There is currently a position vacant at the Napier City Council for a Māori Advisory representative and currently being advertised.  Encourage members to apply for this position.

·         Tangata whenua still concerned around water quality in the Ahuriri Estuary and the housing development on the hill at Waipatiki beach.

·         Department of Conservation working on a draft document re the Conservation Management Strategy.

·         Draft Mohaka Plan Change:  Currently drafting recommendations with regards to the Plan.

·         Wishing all Councillors good luck with the upcoming elections for 2019.

·         Schedule time:  HBRC to meet kanohi te kanohi with Te Whanganui Orutū Board.

Kahungunu Executive Taiwhenua:  Michelle McIlroy

·         The report was taken as read.

Rocketlab Mahia:

·         Written an email to Julia Byrne regarding what environmental impact assessments has been done on the Rocketlab launches.

·         Concerns raised on the debris from the rocket launches which ends up in the awa and sea.

·         Request more information regards the Rocketlabs recent resource consent.

AFFCO Wairoa:

·         Attended the Community Liaison Group meeting on 4 July.

·         Discussions around non-compliance followed.

·         Requested a copy of the report from AFFCO for distribution to Maori Committee members.

Matariki Tu Rakau Project, Wairoa:

·         Wairoa awa restoration project now in phase 1.

·         5,000 plants to be planted at the Takitimu marae riverbank – contract being finalised and dated 10 August 2019.

·         Extra order for 500 filtering plants have been placed.

·         Nathan Heath, Wairoa Catchment Manager has offered assistance with spot spraying and hole digging.

·         Other planting programs will roll out in 2020.

Wastewater discharge

·         Public hui was held regarding the Wairoa District Councils wastewater discharge.

·         Still have concerns around the discharge.

·         Liz Lambert report that HBRC has issued Wairoa District Council with an abatement notice which follows from an unconsented overflow pipe into the awa.   WDC assured HBRC to deal with this as part of their consent application. 

·         Liz met with WDC lawyer to discuss concerns raised.

Wairoa Taiwhenua: Katarina Kawana

·         Mark Heaney has been engaging with Wairoa residence on the Sustainable Homes packages.  Mark Heaney signed up a Wairoa drain laying supplier.

·         That a Wairoa supplier list be provided to Wairoa representatives.

·         Concerns around the spraying – requires an action plan on all kanuka surrounding Urupa.

·         A summary on the progress was given on the urupa adjacent to the Wairoa awa.

·         Ruataniwha and Pakowhai marae expressed their gratitude towards the engineers and were happy with the assessments, engagement with marae as they continues to work together.



That the Maori Committee receives and notes the “Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates” report.





Presentation from Mahaanui Kurataiao Ltd


Pieri Munro informed the committee that a Presentation from Mahaanui Kurataiao Ltd will be held from 12pm to 3pm and outlined how the presentation will be constructed.

·         The guests presenting will be Tania Wati, Chief Executive of Mahaanui Kurataiao and Kyle Davis, Environmental Manager.  The invitation has been extended to all other Māori authorities, Taiwhenua, Regional Planning Committee taiwhenua members and PSGEs.

·         Cr Rick Barker and Cr Rex Graham noted that they have to leave at 2pm and 2.30pm respectively.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Presentation from Mahaanui Kurataiao Ltd” and notes the presentation and workshop with Chief Executive Tania Wati on Tuesday 6 August 2019.





August 2019 Statutory Advocacy Update


The item was taken as read.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the August 2019 Statutory Advocacy Update staff report.





Te Pou Whakarae – Māori Partnerships


Pieri Munro informed the members that this will be the last Māori Committee meeting for the triennium and there has been a distinction made around the Regional Planning Committee this morning.

·         A number of workshops were held with the Regional Planning Committee to focus on business and relationships according under the Local Government Act which specific focus on the Resource Management Act.

·         RPC taiwhenua members have raised various topics to be discussed at the meetings, but can not be discussed as part of the RPC meeting as it has no mandate to do so.

·         The second Regional Planning committee workshop held, resolved that the RPC and it constituency should focus specifically on matters under the Resource Management Act (Plan Changes, documentation etc). 

·         Question arose as to where wider topics on matters will be discussed and to which Committee meeting.

·         Thought should be given to re-look at the constituency – Opportunity to consider in how the RPC and Māori Committees be restructured to consider wider the wider korero not being considered within the RPC meetings.



That the Māori Committee receives the Te Pou Whakarae – Māori Partnerships verbal report.





Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda





Raised by


Wairoa Discharge Consent Application: Was dealt as part as Item 8.

Michelle McIlroy




There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 11.49am on Tuesday, 6 August 2019.

Haami Hilton closed the meeting with a karakia.

Signed as a true and correct record.




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